WWSA – 1999


  1. Date and Time–First complete weekend of June of every year. Beginning to 0000:00 UTC of Saturday and end to 1600:00 UTC of Sunday, in the total of 40 hours of competition.
  2. Mode–Only CW (A1A).
  3. Bands–80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 meters. QSO is not admitted in crossed bands.
  4. Call and Exchange–Call: SA test–Report: RST+Continent (two letters: AF, AS, EU, NA, OC, SA). Example: 599EU.
  5. Categories–I. Single Operator Single Band(SOPSB). II. Single Operator Multiband (SOPMB). III. Multi-Operators/Multi-Band (Only one transceiver), (MOPMB).
  6. Score

a) Entries from South America–QSO with station:

b) Entries from another continents–QSO with station:

  1. Multipliers: different prefixes worked in each band, in agreement with WPX rules.
  2. Final Score–The total QSO point x total multipliers in each worked band.
  3. Logs-

a) a summary, where they should consist:

I - Full name and contest year.

II - Call.

III - Operator Call, if different from the usual call.

IV - Category.

V - Total of QSOs, Multipliers and points.

VI - Final Score.

VII - Work Conditions (OPTIONAL).

VIII - Power output(optional).

IX - Comments, critics and suggestions (optional).

X - Each entry must be accompained by a sign declaration that all contest rules
and regulations for amateur radio in the country of operation have been
observed and that undergoes the decisions
of the Organizing Commission, that recognizes will be final.

XI - In the case of the MOPMB category, roll of all operators and its signatures.

XII - Name, complete postal address–of which consists the country and the continent–and, if there is, I address electronic of the remittent;

b) a log for each worked band with the following data: band, dates, hour UTC, worked station, report sent and received, multipliers prefixes (to mention just in the first occurrence of each one, for band) and QSO points;

c) LOGs: the logs and the summary should be sent via email or MAIL Office–printed logs or record in diskette–for the addresses below. Via email or diskette, files will only be accepted in the ASCII/TXT format ;

d) Dateline: until July 31. In the cases of via MAIL, it will be worth the date of the postage. LOGs sent after that date or elaborated in disagreement with the present rules, will just be considered as " check-logs ";

e) Send to:

11. Final results–The results of the competition will be Showed by the specialized press and Internet. Contacts with the Organizing Commission can be made through of addresses above.

12. " Check logs " Mandatories–The members of the Organizing Commission and official station from LABRE'S Confederation can participate, but without competing and its logs will just be considered as " check-logs ".